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Rest assured that your call and anything you discuss with OLAP will be protected by strong rules of confidentiality.

If you contact OLAP about yourself or about an attorney colleague, you can rest assured that your call and anything you discuss with OLAP will be protected by strong rules of confidentiality:


Prof. Cond. Rule 8.3 provides an exemption from the duty to report knowledge of ethical violations when that knowledge was obtained in the course of OLAP's work.


Code of Judicial Conduct Rule 2.14 provides that information obtained by a member or agent of a bar of judicial association shall be privileged.


R.C. § 2305.28 provides qualified immunity from civil liability for OLAP staff (B and C) and for anyone who provides information to OLAP (D).


If you or someone you know is having problems with substance abuse, alcohol abuse, addiction or mental health, don't let fears about the disciplinary consequences prevent you from contacting us.  No potential disciplinary situation will be made worse by contacting OLAP.

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Main office: (800) 348-4343


Fax: (614) 586-0633


Cleveland office: (440) 338-4650

(800) 618-8606

Your CONFIDENTIAL resource for substance use disorders and mental health issues


988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

988 is the new three-digit dialing code that routes callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

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OLAP Headquarters

1650 Lake Shore Drive, Suite 375 

Columbus, OH 43204


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